Adeslas Senior
This insurance is tailored for individuals aged 55 to 84.
- Comprehensive Healthcare Access: Includes general medicine, all specialties, and advanced diagnostic tools.
- Hospitalization in Individual Rooms: With accommodation for a companion.
- Personalized Attention: Through a Health Medical Advisor assisting clients with their policy’s healthcare needs.
- Valid throughout Spain (except Asturias, Navarra and Basque Country)
Starting from only €62 per month for insurance

Adeslas Senior covers

Personal health advisor
You will be allocated a physician who will devise a customized plan focusing on the prevention and management of chronic ailments.

Primary Care and Emergencies
- General Medicine: Consultation and home assistance.
- Nursing: Consultation and home service for bedridden patients with a physician’s prescription.
- Urgent Medical Assistance: Provided at 24-hour emergency centers designated by the insurer, including home assistance when necessary.

Specialties and Preventive Medicine
- Medical and Surgical Specialties: Consultation or hospitalization, covering various specialties such as cardiology, orthopedics, and neurology.
- Preventive Check-ups: Tailored to the insured’s age, covering screenings for conditions like breast cancer, prostate cancer, and coronary risk.

Diagnostic Methods
- Laboratory Tests, Pathological Anatomy, and Cytopathology.
- General Radiology: Including contrast imaging techniques.
- Advanced Diagnostic Methods: Such as echocardiography, electroencephalography, and electromyography.

Hospitalization and Surgical Procedures
- Surgical Hospitalization: Covering various surgical procedures, preoperative evaluations, and postoperative care.
- Medical Hospitalization: For non-surgical medical conditions requiring inpatient care.
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospitalization.
- Psychiatric Hospitalization: Limited to acute psychiatric cases.
- Day Hospitalization: For both surgical and medical treatments.

Advanced Treatments and Additional Services
- Surgical Implants and Prosthetics: Including cardiovascular, orthopedic, ophthalmic, and other types of surgical implants.
- Special Treatments: Home Respiratory Therapies, Speech Therapy, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, and Pain Management Treatments.
- Organ Transplants: Coverage for autologous bone marrow or corneal transplants.
- Additional Services: Such as Robotic Surgery for specific conditions, subject to certain criteria and prior authorization.
Adeslas Senior covers
Medical emergencies

- 24/7 emergency services at hospitals affiliated to Adeslas
- Ambulances
General Medicine

- General medicine at clinics and at home*
- Nursing
*For cases in which thepatient can’t move
Diagnostics methods

- Analytics
- X-rays
- Ultrasounds
- Magnetic resonances
- Endoscopies
- Genetic tests for diagnosis of disease, etc

All medical specialties:
- Gynecologists
- Urologists
- Internal medicine
- Cardiologists
- Neurologists
- Traumatologists
- Rheumatologists, etc.
Travel insurance

For trips of up to 3 months, Adeslas Senior covers assistance abroad with a capital of up to € 12,000 per insured to be treated for diseases or emergencies that may arise.

- Cornea
- Bone marrow
Hospitalization & surgery

- Surgical hospitalization
- Psychiatric hospitalization
Special treatments

- Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy
- Psychology
- Chiropody
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Hemodialysis
- Lithotripsy
- And more
Preventive medicine

Prevention of:
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular risk
- Asthma
- Prevention of colon and prostate cancer
- And more

Adeslas Senior co-payments
Through the personal advisor and using the general medical chart of Adeslas Senior, the outpatient co-payments are stated to the left
- Medical consultation € 0
- Intraconsultation diagnostic tests € 0
- Clinical analysis (except genetics) € 0
- Simple and special radiologies (except TAC and resonance) € 0
- Ultrasound € 0
- Urological endoscopy € 0
- Bone densitometry and mammography € 0
- Pathological anatomy € 0
- Pathological anatomy: immunohistochemistry € 0
- Intraconsultant therapeutic treatments € 0
- Laser (per session) € 0
- Cardiac rehabilitation (complete treatment) € 0
- Therapies in rehabilitation and physiotherapy € 0
- Photodynamic therapy (complete treatments) € 0
- Home emergencies € 0
- Home care € 0
- * The company imposes a maximum co-payment limit of € 250, and when exceeded, copays are no longer charged
- Consultations € 8.5
- Intraconsultation diagnostic tests € 12.50
- Genetic testing € 26.00
- Magnetic resonance and TAC € 55.80
- Ultrasound € 11,20
- Evoked potentials € 19.30
- Ergometry and holter € 21.80
- Endoscopy (digestive, respiratory, gynecological, and ENT) € 29.30
- Nuclear medicine (except PET) € 75.10
- PET € 200.00
- Polysomnography € 127.60
- Intraconsultant therapeutic treatments € 6.90
- Laser (per Session) € 53.80
- Cardiac rehabilitation (complete treatment) € 139.70
- Chiropody € 3.80
Adeslas Senior outpatient optional chart co-pay
Co-payment prices for policyholders who opt to choose a specialist without being referred by the personal adviser, or opt for the expanded medical chart.
- Consultations € 17
- Intraconsultation diagnostic tests € 25
- Clinical analysis (except genetics) € 24.6
- Genetic testing € 51.9
- Pathological anatomy € 17.8
- Pathological anatomy: biochemistry € 99.3
- Simple radiology € 11.1
- Ultrasound € 22.4
- Bone densitometry and mammography € 31.8
- Magnetic resonance and TAC € 111.5
- Special radiology € 58.2
- Nuclear medicine (except PET) € 150.1
- PET € 400
- Polysomnography € 255.1
- Ergometry and holter € 43.6
- Therapeutic treatments per visit € 13,7
- Endoscopy (digestive, respiratory, gynecological, ENT and urological) € 58.6
- Therapies in rehabilitation and physiotherapy (session) € 6
- Laser (session) € 107.6
- Evoked potentials € 38.5
- Photodynamic therapy (complete treatment) € 200
- Cardiac Rehabilitation (complete treatment) € 279.3
- Podiatry € 7.6
- Home care € 7.4

For insured people who opt for the freedom to choose their specialist without being referred by a personal adviser, or opt for the extended medical chart, the co-payments are the following :
- Medical income stay € 120
- Surgical income stay € 180
- One day hospital stay € 80
- Chemotherapy session € 80
- Surgery without stay € 80
- Lithotripsy € 400
- Radiation therapy session € 120
- Dialysis session € 60
- Interventionist procedure € 160
- Hospital emergency € 28

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